Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Legend Of The Watchajambe

Legend Of The Wachajambe

Johnny was a chemist’s son
Johnny is no more.
But what killed Johnny was not

Johnny drove into the yard
Crept into the house.
Moving silent, not a noise
Quite as a mouse.

He walked into the living room
Saw a fearful sight.
Standing there, plain as day
A creature of the night.

With pointy ears, pointy teeth
And sharp pointy claws,
He knew the thing by the tree
Was not Santa Clause.

It looked up, an evil grin
Spread across its snout.
His blood froze, mouth open
In a silent shout.

It turned towards him, eyes grew wide
As it licked its teeth
Seeing him as just a meal
Just some food to eat.

He turned and ran, it gave chase
Slashing at the air.
Running all throughout the house
Knocking over chairs.

It cornered him in a hall,
Slowly it advanced.
Johnny stood there, shook with fear
As he breathed his last.

When they found him the next day,
Torn limb from limb,
There was barely body left
Sent to next of kin.

And still it roams, prowling nights
Seeking you and me.
Heed my tale, fear the legend
Of the Wachajambe.

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